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A New Day

Dear Aaron and Brian,

This month brings a change for our family. Aaron you are off at Collage and we are all making adjustments with our day to day living. It’s an exciting event and milestone and we are all coping with the new change sometimes well sometimes messy.

Brain, I am sharing your poem this month you wrote for school about your memories of our family and I am including a picture taken under distress before school this morning. We had bigger plans for an early morning shoot but we also knew that neither of us hops out of bed in the morning with cheerfulness and or vigor, but thank you for making due and helping me this month create another letter for you and


Brian Tonks


I Am From

I am from brother brawls. Kicks, punches, and the occasional area of taking it too far. I am from the thumbs up and the thumbs down.

From microwavable waffles. Half cold and have burnt, and the smell of fake syrup surrounding them. I am from brotherly love in a good way and bad way. I am from cold mornings, from playing soccer in the cold morning dew resting on the glistening grass. From Dallas Cowboys shirts and warm beanies on a Sunday. I am from pounds of chunky salsa on a single chip. From crying rivers over my snowman not being as perfect and neat as my brothers. I am from the numerous pictures blanketing the walls, as every moment comes to life. I am from the oversized coats, snow pants, and hats, squeezing my body like a snake. I am from trying to dunk countless times on my old, rusty, hoop. From watching my brother fall of his board, but keep getting up and trying the trick again. I am from my dads indoor bike, hearing that sound of the tires going what seemed to be like a million miles an hour. I am from waking up to my tall, lanky, father, or a “World Class Athlete” as he tells me.

I was made from taking my tiny, red and half duck taped scooter down to Aggies with my long haired brother. From wall ball tournaments, and concerts my brother and his friend would blare through my dark, gloomy basement. I know where I’m from, and that’s my amazing family.

I guess what I want to say is we always have eachother in our hearts, like the memories in the poem where ever we are. Over the next weeks and months that will grow in strength and knowing. You will be stronger as individuals, brothers and a family.

I love you guys and I’m so proud of you,

Mom xxoo

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